Our Mission

To assist the qualified underrepresented athletes, or athletes with a redeemable offense, in obtaining a FRESH START to continuing their collegiate career.

***Fresh Start is NOT a recruiting service. We consult and work the families of qualified high school seniors, junior college and collegiate athletes to determine the best placement in that window.***

We thrive on partnership.

Our Success! 1998-2023

317 Athletes placed and counting!

Sports & Services:

“We are blessed to make the acquaintance of Kenny Rogers over 8 years ago. He was instrumental in helping us our son B. Schaeffer while he attended Tennessee. He also helped our son David get accepted to W. Michigan and is currently helping our son Blaize. Kenny is just like family and we know first hands, he’s all about the children.”

A. and C. Lewis- Parents

“When Kenny Rogers recommends a young man to a program, I know that the young man has a chance to be successful because of the support and backing of Mr. Kenny Rogers and his programs!”

C. Huff Assistant Coach, Vanderbilt

“This letter comes to commend you for the professionalism and cooperation that you given have me over the past ten years. Consequently, the student athletes you have recommended have been of sound caliber and have possessed that of the same excellence that is reflection of your character.”

A. Jones

U Got 2 Want 2 Check Out The Swag!


Available Styles

Each color shown comes in a short tee, long tee, sweatshirt, or pullover hoodie. Costs are shown below with minimum shipping fee of $7 per order. Visit often for limited of time colors.

Short: $22; Long: $25, Sweatshirt: $30; Pullover Hoodie: $32.


Please note: These orders are customized from an outside vendor. Please review your order before submitting. CLICK TO CUSTOMIZE GEAR.